Friday 23 June 2017

Newsletter 23.06

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This has been one of the busiest weeks of the year filled with a range of different activities.
On Monday we started to prepare for our farewell ceremony, creating a number of different pieces of art work to decorate the walls during the event. We then heard from each student as they presented their science presentations, this ran on into the start of Tuesday. I was really happy with the presentations I saw and I was genuinely interested in some of the areas that children had chosen to study.
On Wednesday we were able to watch a full dress rehearsal of the primary production, ‘The Lion King’. I was blown away by the performances, particularly by one of our very own Chameleons, Kara.
Thursday was one of the hottest days of the year, nevertheless the Chameleons put on an incredibly collection of activities for the school’s first International Day. Each class had chosen a country and created an activity to represent that country. This was a really positive event with all children thoroughly enjoying it.
Finally on Friday was the talent show, this had been organized by a number of the student council members and gave children the chance to show off their incredible talents. Two of our very own Chameleons had made it through the audition phase into the talent show and they both performed brilliantly, well done to Leti and Bethen for their efforts today.

A note from the school regarding bicycle training.
Wie Sie bereits erfahren haben, hatte in diesem Schuljahr die Polizei des Hochtaunuskreises bedauerlicherweise keine Kapazitäten für die Fahrradausbildung unserer Viertklässler. Die Schulleitung hat sich mehrfach an verschiedenen administrativen Stellen um die Ermöglichung bemüht, aber leider ohne Erfolg. Nun haben sich unsere Deutschlehrerinnen freundlicherweise bereit erklärt, die Theorie des Fahrradtrainings mit Ihren Kindern zu besprechen und als Lernkontrolle den offiziellen Test zu schreiben. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir aus rechtlichen Gründen den Fahrradpass auch bei Bestehen der Theorieprüfung nicht ausstellen dürfen.
Next week:
On Monday we have our graduation ceremony, this will start 14:15. We will open the doors to the Aula at 14:00 and start welcoming in parents after this time. The farewell ceremony should finish around 15:30, this will be the end of the day for Grade 4 on that day.
For most lessons this week we will be sorting out the classroom, ensuring that pupils have everything they have worked on this year. Children will be bringing home their work books along with other pieces of work that have been displayed. You might want to consider sending in an extra bag for your child to take their work home in.
Thursday will be a very special day. After such a long hard year, the grade 4 team has decided to reward the children with a pizza and ice cream picnic in the forest. It will be wonderful to have all three classes together for one last time. It has been proposed by parents that we have a Ice cream Sundae buffet alongside this. Each child will bring an ice cream topping, a bowl and a spoon on that day.
This magnificent morning will then be followed by an impressive Sommerfest. On that day your child will need to be picked up from the classroom at 13:45. If your child is getting picked up by another parent, please let me know.
Friday will then be our last day; this will be filled with collecting our things together, watching a movie and saying goodbye.
Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben wir die vier Fälle (Nominativ, Genetiv, Dativ und Akkusativ) besprochen. Desweiteren haben die Schüler die wichtigsten Regeln im Straßenverkehr kennengelernt. In einer gemeinsamen Stunde mit dem Klassenleiter haben wir uns besonders den Verkehrszeichen zugewandt.

In dieser Woche haben die Schüler ihre 5. Klassenarbeit zurückbekommen. Zu Ihrer Information die Notenverteilung:


Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Kind alle Klassenarbeiten unterschrieben in der Schule abgibt. Prüfen Sie bitte auch, ob Sie noch vorherige Klassenarbeiten zuhause haben. Diese müssen zur Dokumentation in der Schule aufbewahrt werden.

Falls Sie bereits alle Klassenarbeiten unterschrieben zurückgegeben haben, danke ich Ihnen für Ihre Unterstützung.

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!

Agnes Fojcik

Enjoy the weekend.

Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

Friday 2 June 2017

Newsletter 02.06.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This week has been almost entirely spent on children completing either their geometry math assessment or publishing their literary essays. There were a number of children who finished both at the start of week; I was amazed with these children for being so well organized and ahead of schedule. Those who had finished spent time working on their art work, continuing to create buildings for our miniature city and working on their science presentations.
Children have now completely planned out their experiments related to one topic that we studied in science this year. Children spent time creating a hypothesis and then an experiment to test that. Some children will require time to do their experiments at home, please assist them in filming or photographing any experiment that does take place there. Some children are choosing to do their experiments in school, this will happen on Monday 12th June. Following this there will be a presentation from each child explaining their experiment, results and a connection to a larger issue. This will take place on Monday 19th June.
As well as the geometry projects, I have been doing some problem solving teaching, this time approaching it from a different angle. We looked at a number of different problems and categorized them into easy, medium and hard. We then discussed what made a problem easy, medium or hard. At the end of the week we started to look at creating our own word problems based on number sentences. We will continue to do this after Wegscheide.

Next week:
On Monday 5th school is closed.
Tuesday 6th:
Children to be dropped off at school before 8:45 as usual. There will be a space near the front office for children to leave their bags when they arrive.
8:45 - Children will come up to class. If you wish to stay to say goodbye to your child please wait downstairs.
9:00 – We will begin to load up the buses.
9:30 – buses will leave.
 Tuesday to Friday – we will all have a great time at Wesgscheide.
Friday 9th:
12:00 – buses will return to school and children will be picked up. No supervision will be provided in the afternoon. When you pick your child up please make sure to check in with me so I know they’ve been collected.  
Things to remember:
-          Any medication that your child is bringing must come with a signed letter to show that they know how and when to take this. If the medication is prescribed by a doctor we also need a doctors signature. (form for this included in email)
-          If you haven’t returned the tick removal letter and would like to, please bring it in on Tuesday morning.
-          We will only call you if there is a serious medical emergency. No news is good news.

A message from Frau Fojcik:
Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben die Schüler Übungen im blauen und im grünen Flex-und-Flora-Heft bearbeitet. Zudem haben wir die Klassenlektüre „Das geheimnisvolle Spukhaus“ weitergelesen. Die Schüler haben außerdem eigene Lese-Mal-Rätsel (Logicals) erstellt.

Ich wünsche Ihnen eine erholsames Pfingstwochenende!

Agnes Fojcik

Enjoy the long weekend.

Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.