Friday 24 February 2017

Newsletter 24.02.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This week in English I gave pupils the date for them to be completed with their final published piece of persuasive writing. I will begin to grade and conference with children about this on Monday 13th March. This still leaves pupils with 2 weeks to work on and improve their writing. I’ll continue to meet with children related to their writing and check to see if all the strategies that I am teaching are being used. If you could ask your child to read their letter allowed to you, I feel this could help pupils greatly to notice their own mistakes.

In maths this week children have been working on our volume unit, this has been a very short unit without that much content. The main areas have been converting between L to ml and then solving various problems involving volume measures. Children have now become quite adept at converting units of measure. There are some still finding this difficult, once we have completed this unit I will be spending some time reviewing everything we have done within the measurement block. This will include teaching a slightly different skill that can help greatly with conversion. On Wednesday we had an amazing math lesson in which children created and measured their own juices. Everyone in the Chameleon class seemed to enjoy this and got a lot out of measuring the liquids precisely, on top of that some of the juices were delicious!! I just want to say a massive thank you to parents who purchased juices for that session, it was well worth it.

Pupils have worked hard on their presentations and should now be at a point ready to present on Tuesday 28th. For those who are not quite ready, they may require some time over the weekend to complete this. I’m really looking forward to seeing their presentation as I feel like I am genuinely going to be learning some things.

If you have any worries or concerns about your child going on the Wegscheide field trip you need to contact me before March 1st. If you do not contact me I will assume your child is coming, this is important for us to calculate the cost of the trip. 

Important Dates:
-          27th February – Rosenmontag, school closed
-          28th February – Carnival party in the afternoon. Pupils able to come to school in costume. 
-          28th February – Science presentations due
-          13th March – Published persuasive letter due

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

Within writers workshop we will be continuing to improve our persuasive arguments with the new rubric that was given out to children, they will also begin to me with me in their pairs. This will ensure that I meet with children more regularly and that they are getting strong guided support from their partner.  
We will continue to analyze and read non-fiction texts critically. We will be continuing our small research project in Readers Workshop, children are now in groups and are researching a type of extreme weather. Children are already making good progress with this.   

On Monday we will complete the check in quiz for the volume unit. After this we will be beginning a review of everything we’ve done so far, firstly revisiting multiplication, division, addition and subtraction and then taking each of our measurement topics and ensuring that children can solve a range of problems involving them.

In science this coming week we will be watching pupils’ individual presentations that they have been working hard on. I will be grading these using the same rubric as I have been for previous science inquiry presentations. They will be looking at the scientific knowledge, speaking and presenting ability and finally their self direction on this task.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,
in dieser Woche haben die Schüler Rechtschreibstrategien , doppelte Mitlaute sowie die Satzglieder Subjekt und Prädikat wiederholt. Zudem haben sie eine Lesespurgeschichte gelöst.
Am Mittwoch, den 1. März, schreiben wir das nächste Lernwörterdiktat. Die Lernwörter dazu finden Sie im Anhang.
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!
Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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