Friday 28 April 2017

Newsletter 28.04.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This week children have worked hard during the first regular week after the break.
In English we began our new topic which is focused around writing a literary essay. This is quite similar in format to the persuasive letter and pupils were able to see a finished example so they could gain an idea of what I am expecting. As well as this we watched the film Sing. Children will be writing the essay about a characters from a book or the film Sing and then creating a thesis sentences based on the character strengths we teach in school and their associated behaviours. As we do not have that much time before the end of the year we chose to use Sing as an example instead of a book. Children are free to choose a character from Sing or a character from a German or English book.  I also started to give readers workshop assessments this week.
On Thursday was the math project day, it went tremendously well and the response from children was really positive. They loved being able to shop and apply the skills that they’d been working on in class in the real world.

Please continue to send in any scrap and rubbish that you have at home, we are looking for any of the following:
-          Cardboard/plastic containers
-          Cereal boxes
-          Toilet roll tubes
-          Newspapers
-          Juice/milk cartons (please wash before hand)
Important Dates:
-          May 1st – School closed
-          May 2nd – Field trip to Hessenpark (information to follow next week)
-          May 24th – Bundesjugendspiele (weather permitting)

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:
We will be attending the Hessenpark open air museum on Tuesday. This is an excellent place to learn about the history of Germany, it has many houses built in the traditional manor and pupils will take part in an activity to push their learning further. Those children who are taking part in Lehmbau: auf die Mischung (they know who they are) will need to bring a small towel and change of clothes in case they get too messy.

Next week in English we will be starting to write an example literary essay, focusing on one of the characters from Sing. We will write this together so that students can see the full writing process from draft to edit. As this is happening pupils will also start to plan out and even draft their own essay.
I will also continue to assess reading using the readers workshop non-fiction rubric.

We will be starting work on our geometry unit, this will begin by focusing around 2d and 3d shapes. Children will review the properties and names of all shapes and look at the nets that create those 3d shapes.

We will begin to discuss the experiment process, looking firstly at creating their own hypothesis, discussing experimental variables and then also testing those hypotheses.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben wir ein neues grammatikalisches Thema begonnen. Die Zeiten Futur und Perfekt wurden neu eingeführt. Die Zeiten Präsens und Präteritum, die bereits aus der 3. Klasse bekannt sind, wurden wiederholt.

Die Zeiten werden neben einer Personenbeschreibung Thema der letzten Klassenarbeit sein. Diese findet in der 21. Kalenderwoche (22.-24.05.) statt. Der genaue Termin wird noch festgelegt.

Das nächste Lernwörterdiktat findet am Mittwoch, den 3. Mai 2017, statt. Die Lernwörter wurden vor den Osterferien ausgeteilt und verschickt (Wörter mit ie/i und pf), Sie finden sie aber auch nochmal im Anhang.

Heute haben die Schüler die 4. Klassenarbeit erhalten. Bitte unterschreiben Sie diese und geben Sie sie Ihrem Kind wieder mit. Zu Ihrer Information der Notenspiegel:


Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes verlängertes Wochenende!

Agnes Fojcik

Enjoy the long weekend.

Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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