Friday 25 November 2016

Newsletter 25.11.16

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

November is speeding by us all, I cannot believe that December is almost already here. This week I have seen pupils work incredibly hard once again, the next writers workshop check-in has started and pupils are ensuring their stories are ready for this. 

I have started to teach the editing skills for the writers workshop already this week, pupils are learning to listen out for if their sentences sound smooth, as well as hunting down any spelling or punctuation mistakes. This is often hard for pupils to spot independently, therefore they have been working with their writing partners to edit each other’s work. 

In math we started the division path way, this has started simply by understanding vocabulary such as divisor and prime number. We then looked at the rules of division and created a small booklet to help pupils understand if a number is divisible by certain digits. Most pupils have taken this on well and push past the work expected, I started to teacher written division methods, this has been in the form of long division as shown in Flex and Flo, as well as the bus-stop method of division which is a step on from this. Pupils are able to choose which method they prefer when solving these calculations. I expect pupils to now have completed the first side of their pathway sheet. If pupils have not I would recommend they take some time to complete this at home.  

I have now completed all my parent-teacher interviews, thank you for attending and I hope the meetings were informative.

Important Dates and Information:
-          28th – 29th November the Usborne book fair will be taking place in the Library. More information regarding this to follow.
-          Tuesday 29th, we will be going into the Gymnasium at Phorms for a Gymnasium taster day. This shows pupils what a day in the life of a gymnasium child will be like.
-          You are now able to buy tickets to the Christmas performance. Each ticket is 5€, siblings of children can attend for free.

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the first week back:

During the mini-lessons next week I will continue to give children time to share their writing this will allow them to find any spelling and grammar mistakes in preparation for the final check in. Children should also now be writing their finished story up in a published form.
I will also be meeting with pupils individually to complete the revision check in. This will probably the rest of the week to complete.

Pupils will be continuing with the division pathway. We will be working on this for the entire week and pupils should be finished with the entire pathway by the end of next week. I will then be completing a short check-in to see how pupils have got on with the division pathway.

Pupils will continue to research and inquire about their chosen topic. It might be worth children spending a little time at home to research this topic and then printing off material to read in greater detail in class. They are also able to email me with pages to print if that would be easier.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

diese Woche haben die Schüler weiter an ihren Reizwortgeschichten gefeilt. Zudem haben wir die Rechtschreibstrategien vertieft und schwierige Lernwörter wiederholt. Desweiteren wurden einige Übungen zum Leseverständnis durchgeführt.
Bitte denken Sie daran, dass die Schüler jeden Monat ein Buch bei Antolin bearbeiten sollen. Bis Ende November sollten die Kinder zwei Bücher bearbeitet haben (je eines für Oktober und November). Viele Schüler sind aber bereits sehr aktiv und haben fleißig Punkte gesammelt.

Herzliche Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende
Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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