Friday 18 November 2016

Newsletter 18.11.16

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This has been a week where I have truly seen a class of writers. Pupils have been excited about improving and revising their original draft stories. They have chosen to put extra effort into their writing whenever they can and they are now using all the skills we have discussed in class. I believe this has stemmed from the latest rubric which was given out on Monday. This is for the next check-in which I will be starting with pupils next week. During this check-in I will be looking at the revisions that children have been making and ensuring they fully understand the writing process. 

Many pupils already seem ready for the check-in and I am excited to hear what they have written. If you are able to, this weekend, please have your child read their story aloud to you. Even by just reading it aloud to someone new can have a big impact on what they notice.
In math we continued with the multiplication path way, I’ve been incredibly impressed with pupils attitude to the pathway, almost all seem to be really enjoying the pathway model of teaching as they are able to work at their own pace, seeking assistance when necessary. All pupils should have now finished the pathway and today we completed a check-in quiz related to the pathway. 

We began to look at our inquiry unit this week in science, pupils will be diving into the topic of ‘How does my country impact the world’. For this they choose a country along with a concept, which we discuss in class, then pupils will research how their country fits into the concept and how this has an impact on other countries in the world. 

Thank you to all the parents who have already managed to attend a meeting with myself this week, I will continue to meet with parents next week. 

Most parents have already signed up to a time slot, thank you for doing this so quickly. Each meeting will aim to last for about 15 minutes. If there is anything in particular that you would like to discuss please let me know in an email ahead of time. Please also let me know if you would like me to organize another member of staff to be there to translate as my German may not be up to par. 

Important Dates:
-          Monday 14th November to Thursday 24th November Parent Teacher Interviews being held.
-          22nd November School Photographer
-          28th – 29th November the Usborne book fair will be taking place in the Library. More information regarding this to follow.

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the first week back:

During the mini-lessons next week I will begin to instruct pupils about how to move on from revising to editing their text. This will involve looking for punctuation, spelling mistakes and grammar.
I will also be meeting with pupils individually to complete the revision check in. This will probably take one and a half weeks to complete.

Pupils will be starting the division pathway. This is an area that I feel a lot of pupils will find tricky however, because I was aware of this previously, I have ensured that the pathway breaks down division to the very basic steps of splitting amounts up. We will also be looking at specific language that is related to division such as divisor and prime numbers.

We will be continuing to look at the inquiry model and then pupils will be starting to research and dive in to their own inquiry. This may require pupils to do a little research at home although I will guarantee some ICT for pupils to research and we will be discussing appropriate researching methods and how to check the credibility of information found on the internet.

This week I gave a project out in humanities which links to our perspective topics. Pupils have chosen a topic that they know could have two different perspectives; these were discussed in class however pupils had free choice over the topic itself. Children are going to then investigate their topic, this will most likely come in the form of an interview or two, depending on their topic.


Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben wir als Vorbereitung auf das Lernwörterdiktat in der nächsten Woche noch einmal die Lernwörter sowie wichtige Rechtschreibstrategien wiederholt. Besonders haben wir uns dabei auf die Groß- und Kleinschreibung konzentriert.  Außerdem haben die Schüler begonnen, erste Notizen zu ihren Reizwortgeschichten anzufertigen und Ideen für ihre Geschichten zu entwickeln. Zudem haben die Schüler das Präteritum wiederholt, da die Geschichten in dieser Zeitform verfasst werden sollen.
Das Lernwörterdiktat wird in der kommenden Woche am Freitag, den 25.11.2016, abgehalten. Die Bewertungstabelle finden Sie im Anhang.
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!

Herzliche Grüße
Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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