Friday 9 December 2016

Newsletter 09.12.16

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 
Pupils have worked hard on a number of projects this week ensuring they are completing them for the deadlines provided. The deadline for the completed published writing piece has been pushed to Monday 12th. As well as this there completed humanities project is due on Wednesday 14th, they will be presenting their findings to the class that afternoon.
Pupils have also worked hard to review the multiplication and division math work in preparation for the assessment, it is wonderful to see the level of effort that the Chameleon class has shown to ensure they fully understand the work required.
We also had an incredible field trip to the Goethehaus in Frankfurt on Friday. During our time at the Goethehaus we received an insightful tour focusing on the colour wheel, one of Goethe's incredible works, and a writing activity which allowed pupils to experience the day to day life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Following our time at the Goethehaus, we explored the many wonders of Frankfurt Weinachtsmarkt. I want to say a huge thankyou to the parents who supported this trip as it wouldn’t have been possible without you as well as a thankyou to Frau Fojcik who organized this trip for the entire grade.
An important notice for next week, there will not be any sport lessons due to the Christmas Concert on Friday. 
The Chameleons have now completed the class target for behaviour, due to this on Thursday 15th, pupils will a treat afternoon. A letter will be sent out on Monday with more information about this. 

Important Dates and Information:
  • Friday 16th December, Phorms Christmas Concert
  • Wednesday 14th Humanities presentation due
  • Monday 19th Science project due
  • Thuesday 15th deadline to return photographs
  • You are still able to buy tickets to the Christmas performance. Each ticket is 5€, siblings of children can attend for free
Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the first week back:
I have received a number of completed published pieces already from pupils. It is clear, from the ones I have received, that children are now fully comfortable with the writers workshop model of assessment. Children know that the rubric contains a lot of guidance and they are able to review the rubric whilst they are completing that stage in the process. I am incredibly happy with what I have seen.
Start next week, pupils will begin to restart the writing process to create a short 1-2 pages winter story. Some pupils have already started this process and it’s amazing to the see the difference I in how they are now compared to the start of the year.
I have now started another round of ORT reading assessments; this is one of the slightly longer assessments and will see just how pupils are doing in terms of their reading ability. As well as this, in the coming week there will be a separate reading assessment that the class completes together, this will focus around the skills covered in readers workshop.
As pupils have now completed all the required assessments and check-ins within math we will be starting a math investigation this week. This will reinforce the division and multiplication work we have just completed by incorporating it into practical activities. This will end the unit nicely ensuring a solid end to the unit. 

Pupils will continue to research and inquire about their chosen topic. They will continue to work on their presentations, I will be expecting these to be presented during the last week of the school term.
We are post-poning our final art project until after the winter break to ensure all children are fully commited to its creation. 

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

diese Woche haben die Schüler weiterhin an ihren Geschichten gearbeitet und begonnen, diese zu überarbeiten. Um eine Geschichte anschaulich und unterhaltsam zu gestalten, ist es nämlich wichtig auf eine treffende Wortwahl zu achten (Verben, Adjektive, Satzanfänge). Desweiteren sollten Gefühle einer Person ausführlich beschrieben werden. Zudem hatten wir heute einen tollen Tag im Goethehaus Frankfurt!

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!

Agnes Fojcik

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best regards,
The entire chameleon team.

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