Friday 16 December 2016

Newsletter 16.12.16

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

Pupils have been completing their work this week, hitting deadlines and ensuring everything is ready for select presentations. On Monday I collected in the published copies of their realistic fiction writing. I am now spending time reading through these and grading them, once complete I will feed this back to the pupils.
On Wednesday, the Chameleons presented their humanities project, this was based around perspectives and particularly identifying how two different people can have different perspectives on the same thing. This is the first time I’ve been able to see the Chameleons present in front of the class, I was amazed at the preparation that some pupils put in. This was a wonderful build up towards the science presentation on Monday (19th).
In Math pupils have started to work with a partner on a division based problem solving project. For the project, children are creating their own movie theatre and solving various problems based around this. It’s been very interesting to see the perseverance of some children as they are getting on to trickier problems.
We also had a much deserved class treat on Thursday afternoon and on Friday we took part in a wonderful Christmas concert. The pupils from the Chameleon class performed brilliantly and really blew me away with their singing. As well as this, those children who were drumming surprised me wonderfully.
Math Assessment Breakdown
1s – 7
2s – 10
3s – 1
4s – 3
5s – 1

Important Dates and Information:
-          Monday 19th Science presentation
-          Wednesday 21st, last day of school. No afternoon HORT.

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

Now that pupils have finished their published copy they are continuing to write a winter story based around the same steps as they’ve done before. This has really let their creativity come out and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by pupils competence to follow the writers workshop steps.

As pupils have now completed all the required assessments and check-ins within math we will be continuing a math investigation focused on division.  

We will spend some time does Christmas crafts and on Wednesday morning we will practise our baking skills, creating winter cookies for the grade 4 class time afternoon.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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