Friday 20 January 2017

Newsletter 20.01.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

The second week back has flown by, children have been engaged heavily in work this week and I’m amazed at the speed that children are getting through their work in all subjects. It’s brilliant to see such enthusiasm in class. 

Within English we have been working hard to kick start our writers workshop theme of persuasive writing. Pupils have been generating some fantastic reasons and supporting statements for their arguments, as well as this we have been looking at other examples of persuasive writing to help get inspiration. Pupils will continue with their persuasive pieces next week, looking at developing a counter argument. 

We completed our time unit this week and the children sat the check-in quiz, this will be coming home with pupils tonight. We then jumped straight into our next unit of length, some pupils struggled a little at the start with this as it involves dealing with decimal notation, although, after further teaching all pupils feel comfortable with this pathway.

This week we continued and finished our initial learning about the 8 biomes. Pupils did an excellent job of presenting the information about each biome succinctly and this meant that all pupils got a good understanding of each particular biome. Pupils have now been split up into groups again, within this group they will be leading a small inquiry into one particular biome, researching how it has changed over the recent years, what is causing this and how it is having an affect or being affected by other biomes. Pupils have already started this research during the ICT session this week. 

Bike training has now been rescheduled and the dates for those sessions are below, on these dates your child will come to school as normal and the school bus will take us to the training centre. Please ensure that your child bring their cycling helmet on these dates. 

Important Dates
-          Bike training dates (update)
o   Monday 20th February
o   Friday 24th March
o   Thursday 27th April

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

We will be adding to our persuasive writing. Pupils will be using the skills they showed whilst completing their humanities perspective projects by putting themselves in the shoes of someone with a different argument to them, they will need to think about one argument that person might have against them and then develop a counter argument to that.

In the week to come pupils will continue to work on their length pathway, as part of this week we will spend a session in the forest close the school. In the forest will be a number of symbols and pupils will then be using their knowledge of length and distance to create a treasure hunt for their classmates.

We have moved on from ball games in sport and have now begun to practise some parkour skills. This teaches children how to move around a space safely and quickly, overcoming obstacles and reaching their destination.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in der vergangen Woche haben die Schüler mit der Vorbereitung ihrer Buchpräsentationen begonnen. Begleitend dazu wurde erläutert, welche Regeln bei der Erstellung einer Inhaltsangabe und einer Figurenbeschreibung beachtet werden müssen sowie wie man seine eigene Meinung über ein Buch formulieren kann.
Zudem wurden die Satzglieder Subjekt und Prädikat wiederholt, Leseverständnisübungen durchgeführt sowie neue Lernwörter eingeführt (s. Anhang).

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende,

freundliche Grüße

Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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