Friday 27 January 2017

Newsletter 27.01.2017

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

The persuasive letters are coming along exceptionally well, pupils have now started drafting their first letters. We are now fully submerged into the writing process again; pupils choose what stage they are working at and write independently during the bulk of the lesson. There are regular conferences from myself during these lessons which ensure I keep track of pupils writing and where they are struggling.
Pupils worked incredibly well on the length unit and we remarkably got the unit finished on Wednesday. It is clear from the check in quiz that a couple of pupils still need to put a little work into conversions between units of measure, however most pupils performed well. On Thursday to finish off the unit we went into the forest and pupils worked in groups to measure a route between several different images which were pinned to trees.
Pupils continued putting their research together for their first interconnectedness of biomes presentations. Pupils have been using time in lessons to read through the documents that they printed during ICT and become experts on their biomes.
Next week, on Friday 3rd, we will be issuing report cards to pupils. These will be given in sealed envelopes to be brought how for parents. Also, the student council has organized a film showing to take place in the afternoon from 2pm, They are asking for a small 2€ donation towards  their chosen charity. As well as that there will be baked goods being sold, pupils could also bring a little money for that if they wish. 
The up and coming bike training sessions are below, on these dates your child will come to school as normal and the school bus will take us to the training centre. Please ensure that your child brings their cycling helmet on these dates.
Important Dates
-          Bike training dates (update)
o   Monday 20th February
o   Friday 24th March
o   Thursday 27th April

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

Within writers workshop we will be continuing to improve our persuasive arguments with use of connectives and a final closing statement.
We will also be officially starting our next readers workshop unit which is look at non-fiction texts. We will dive into the difficulty that can come from non-fiction texts and be able to identify the information we need to remember and the information that we can set aside for the time being.

On Monday I will give pupils the new pathway which focuses on weight. This will be using similar skills to length unit in terms of converting units of measure, estimating measures and solving problems involving a unit of measure. I’m confident in pupil’s ability to understand this pathway well.
On Monday I would really like to complete a weighing activity however, the school unfortunately doesn’t have any simple scales. If you have any that you would be able to let the Chameleon class borrow on Monday I would be very grateful.

On Monday pupils will begin to present in their groups to the class, this will be about how their specific biome is affected by others along with how biomes have changed over time. Pupils are presenting this within groups and have had the week to prepare. Some children require images during their presentation and have asked if they can work on it at the weekend. If any child does find an image to show, feel free to email it to me and I can prepare it for them for Monday.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben die Schüler weiterhin an ihren Leserollen gearbeitet. Zudem wurden die Lernwörter wiederholt. Für Abwechslung sorgte ein Leserätsel.
Im Anhang finden Sie zudem die Bewertungskriterien zur Buchvorstellung.
Am Donnerstag, den 2. Februar, findet das nächste Lernwörterdiktat statt.

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende,

Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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