Friday 10 March 2017

Newsletter 10.03.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

Steadily over the week in writer’s workshop children have finished their published persuasive letters, some even handing them early. It’s been really good to see children getting to the end of this unit and having a well written letter to send. I’ve also seen a change in their self directed learning during this unit, children are now able to use their writing partner effectively and ask me for support without just asking me for an answer or solution. Now that these are finished I would like to hold a writing celebration on the afternoon of Friday 17th for children to share the work they’ve done. This will run from 14:15 until 15:00 after which you are welcome to take your child home if your wish.
We also came to the end of our reader’s workshop research unit based around natural disasters and extreme weather. Children presented the information in their groups to each groups individually which was a difference take on the presentation format that we normally follow.

We started the week with a short review check in to see how children were with the four areas that will be assessed on Thursday 16th, these areas on Time, Money, Weight and Length. From this check in I informed children of the current areas that they needed to focus on, then, throughout the week, children could choose a station to work at based upon their needs. During these lessons myself and Mrs Petschick met with small groups and individuals to conduct mini-lessons again.

I finished up watching children’s science presentations this week. I really couldn’t believe the amount of detail that some children went in to.

Book week has been a great success! Children from the Chameleon class have been reading copious amounts in the evenings, which is wonderful! As well as that each class has been able to experience a different teacher, for a short time in the afternoon, as they are read a story by them. 

Important Dates:
-          13th March English final published persuasive writing due
-          16th March Formal Math assessment
-          17th March Writing Celebration 14:15 – 15:00

Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

Over the next week I will be meeting with children regarding their persuasive letter, we will discuss the grade that your child has got. Assessments will then come home to be signed and returned. Whilst I meet with children they will be completing a movie studied based around the book and film, James and the Giant Peach. I will also be using some science lessons to meet with children to ensure I get through everyone within the week. On Friday at
This week in reader’s workshop we will be focusing on the key areas and questions that I ask during conferences. This will prepare children for when we complete reader’s workshop assessment conferences.

Leading up to Thursday, we will be continuing to review measure.  I want to make as many children feel completely ready for the test as I can.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

diese Woche haben wir uns mit Lesetechniken beschäftigt. Dazu haben die Schüler einen Leselotsen erhalten (s. Anhang). Die Anwendung der Lesestrategien wurde in Texten zu den 7 Weltwundern eingeübt.
Zudem wurde das mehrteilige Prädikat besprochen. Die Lernwörter dieser Woche finden Sie ebenfalls im Anhang (Wörter mit Pf/pf).

Zu ihrer Information der Notenspiegel der 3. Klassenarbeit (Leserolle):

Die 4. Klassenarbeit wird in der letzten Woche vor den Osterferien (27.03.-31.03.2017) geschrieben. Das genaue Datum wird im nächsten Newsletter mitgeteilt. Die Arbeit wird einen Textverständnisteil sowie einen Grammatikteil enthalten.  Dabei sollen die Schüler Fragen zu einem Sachtext beantworten. Thema des Grammatikteils werden die Satzglieder sein (Subjekt, Prädikat, Akkusativobjekt, Dativobjekt, Ergänzung der Zeit, Ergänzung des Ortes).

Viele Grüße
Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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