Friday 17 March 2017

Newsletter 17.03.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

I would like to start this newsletter with a huge thank you to each of the Chameleon’s for working so hard on their persuasive writing over the past 9 weeks. It has been amazing to see their writing grow and improve to the point it is at now. I’m certain they would be able to persuade almost anyone of anything with all the skills they’ve learnt during this process. Also thank you to the parents who were able to make it in for our writing celebration on Friday, it was brilliant to see children proudly presenting their letters.
We looked closer at the readers workshop conferences and developed some skills that will help during the conferences that take place in class.

In math, we started the week by continuing to review the core concepts that would appear on the assessment. Children showed that they had improved in a number of different areas that were weaknesses before. This led up to the test which took place on Thursday. I have shown children their grades however they will not get their papers back until Monday. Once they come home please take a look over the assessment and sign on the front page.
Grade breakdown.



This week in science we began to discuss the different stages of human life, this will lead into puberty and the changes that happens to us which will be taking place next week.

Important Dates:
-          April 3rd – 14th Easter Break
-          April 17th – 23rd Circus week
Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

Over the next week I will be completing a film study, this looks at the film Inside Out and many of the skills that we have taught in both readers workshop and writers workshop can be used when looking at other types of media. Inside Out also links incredibly well to our sexual health and bodily changes topic taking place in science.
This week in reader’s workshop we will be continuing on with key skills of reading and developing what is needed for the reading workshop conferences. As well as this I will be completing unseen text reading assessments. 

Starting next week we will begin to plan out a large measurement project that is intended to take place the second week back after the Easter break. As well as that we will focus in on some small areas of study such as 3D shapes and reading bar charts and graphs.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,
in dieser Woche haben wir zur Vorbereitung auf die Klassenarbeit weitere Texte zu den 7 Weltwundern gelesen. Dabei wurden die Lesestrategien des Leselotsen (s. letzten Newsletter) eingeübt. Anschließend haben die Schüler Fragen zu den Texten beantwortet.
Desweiteren haben die Schüler verschiedene Übungen und Aufgaben zu den Satzgliedern bearbeitet.
Wie bereits im letzten Newsletter angekündigt, schreiben wir in der letzten Schulwoche vor den Osterferien die 4. Klassenarbeit (Thema: Textverständnis und Grammatik/Satzglieder). Die Klassenarbeit findet am Mittwoch, den 29. März 2017, statt.
Die Lernwörter dieser Woche sind Wörter mit ie/i (siehe Anhang).
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!
Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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