Friday 24 March 2017

Newsletter 24.03.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

After all the work we’ve been doing in writing over the past 12 weeks, writers workshop has taken a little bit of a back seat this week. Within the sessions we have been completing a film study related to Inside Out. The conversations we’ve been having have been incredibly deep and the content links rally well to puberty, which has been taught in science. Below you will also find the grade breakdown for the Persuasive letters.



In readers workshop, Mrs Petschick and myself have been completing some ORT reading assessments with children, it’s clear to see that children are getting better at reading and comprehending these texts.  Also we have been completing work related to reading workshop skills. Within the newsletter email today you will find a rubric that we have been using with children, this was given out during the week, it is specifically for children to show understanding as they are reading non-fiction texts. We will continue to use this next week.

In math, we started the week by looking over the assessment and discussing questions that pupils found tricky. I then introduced the idea of profit to the class through a card collecting game in which children has either buy or sell cards for different prices in order to make the most profit. This led to the introduction of the large measurement project. This project consists of children being in groups of 4 or 5, they will choose a recipe to make that is within budget (10€ for the group) and then plan out a day in which they will go shopping, create and then sell their treat. Children seemed incredibly excited about this project and I really look forward to seeing how it will turn out. We do not have an exact date for this project yet however we are speculating it will be held in the second week back after the April break (24th – 28th). We will require parent helpers for this, so if anyone is interested in assisting with this project please let me know. I will inform you of an exact date as soon as possible.

This week in science we continued to talk about the changes that happens to our bodies as we grow. Children were incredibly mature when discussing this and it was great to see pupils baby pictures, these led to interesting discussions about the changes our body goes through. I then went on to discuss all the changes that happen during puberty and once again, children showed excellent self-regulation.

Important Dates:
-          April 3rd – 14th Easter Break
-          April 17th – 23rd Circus week
Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

In writers workshop we will continue to watch and discuss the film Inside Out.
In readers workshop, I will continue to read pieces of non-fiction with children and then conference with them using the rubric which was included in the newsletter email.

In this final week on the term we will be continuing to plan out the project, looking at how far they will travel, what timings they are assigning to each of their steps. I will then meet with each group separately to discuss how their day will go and if they have a feasible plan.

Next week in science we will finish up our current unit by talking about periods in more detail, looking at the menstrual cycle and getting hands on with different ways to deal with having a period. We will also cover the scientific facts of conception in terms the sperm meeting the egg and developing into an embryo.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben wir weiterhin Übungen zum Textverständnis und zu den Satzgliedern durchgeführt.
Nochmals zur Erinnerung: Die 4. Klassenarbeit zum Thema Textverständnis findet am Mittwoch, den 29. März 2017, statt.
Ich habe den Schülern aufgetragen ihr pinkes Flex und Flora Heft sowie ihren roten Schnellhefter einzupacken. Im Flex und Flora finden Sie auf den Seiten 30-35 Erklärungen und Übungen zu den Satzgliedern. Die Aufgaben wurden bereits bearbeitet und besprochen. Gerne können Sie diese nochmals wiederholen. Ebenso die Texte, die im Unterricht bearbeitet wurden (roter Schnellhefter).

Im Anhang finden Sie zusätzliche Übungen zu den Satzgliedern, falls noch weiterer Übungsbedarf besteht. Sollten bei diesen Übungen noch Fragen aufkommen, können wir dies noch am Anfang der kommenden Woche im Unterricht klären.

Da in der nächsten Woche schon die Klassenarbeit ansteht, schreiben wir das nächste Lernwörterdiktat erst in der zweiten Woche nach den Osterferien.

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein erholsames Wochenende!

Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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