Friday 31 March 2017

Newsletter 31.03.17

Good Afternoon,
A few quick notes for you from the Chameleon class. 

This week in Writers workshop we finished watching and analyzing the film Inside Out, we then ended this project by beginning to write a review of the film. I was amazed that children hadn’t seen many reviews before and children enjoyed giving their opinions and perspectives on the film.  
In readers workshop, I have been conferencing with children to see how they are at analyzing non-fiction texts. I have used the rubric which I showed to children in the previous week and then presented them with a text to read, asking them four questions, each related to a different part of the rubric. Some children have done very well with this and it has shown me that some still need some practise. After the Easter break we will be completing readers workshop assessment using this rubric and leveled piece of non-fiction writing.

In math, we continued to get into our groups and work on the measurement project. Children have taken to this project incredibly well and all seem really excited that they are going to making and then selling their recipes. Groups have now discussed the total cost of their recipe and even started calculating the prophet that they could make. This project will take place on Thursday 27th April. We would really like some parent volunteers to help out on the day as each group will need their own adult supervision. If you are able to help on that day please contact me.

This week in science we continued to talk about the changes that happens to our bodies as we grow. Children were incredibly mature when discussing this. We also went on to discuss the menstrual cycle and how babies are conceived within the uterus. The children were incredibly interested by this. On Thursday we also split the classes up into boys and girls, the boys came into class with me and Mr MacLeod and the girls went with Miss Marczuk, in this space they were given the opportunity to ask questions that they couldn’t ask before.

Letters have come home regarding the circus week which will take place after the holiday.

Important Dates:
-          April 3rd – 14th Easter Break
-          April 17th – 23rd Circus week
Here is an overview of the areas of study we will focus on throughout the next week:

The first week back after break will be a very interesting one, we have the circus group in training children in different groups therefore there won’t be many opportunities that week for full class teaching.
During the time that children are in class we will be working on some problem solving and studying skills that can help children to manage their time better as they receive more work. As well as this I will continuing to conference with children regarding readers workshop.
Having the circus in is an amazing opportunity for the children of Phorms and I think the Chameleons in particular are going to be getting a lot out of it.

Liebe Eltern der Chamäleon-Klasse,

in dieser Woche haben wir nochmal die Inhalte der Klassenarbeit wiederholt und die 4. Klassenarbeit geschrieben.

Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie schöne und erholsame Feiertage!

Herzliche Grüße

Agnes Fojcik

Have a wonderful break, I hope the weather is nice for all of us and we return feeling rested and ready to take on the last term in Grundschule!
Mario Civico and the entire Chameleon team.

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